What Should be Your First Gun? Part 3, Pistol Selection.

So, now that we've decided on buying our carry gun first, and it really should be in 9mm, what gun specifically should we get?  Well, first off... DO NOT CARRY THE SMALLEST GUN YOU FIND. Please.  Why?  Because small guns are harder to shoot. 1: Most importantly, small guns weigh less.  That sounds like a good … Continue reading What Should be Your First Gun? Part 3, Pistol Selection.

Stupid Sayings: “It’s easier to ask forgiveness…”

"It's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission".  A phrase I've heard quite a few times, but it never really sat well with me.  I did some thinking, and I've come to the opinion that it's a stupid saying. I did a quick google search on the term and learned that it was coined … Continue reading Stupid Sayings: “It’s easier to ask forgiveness…”